Source code for progressbar.multi

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import io
import itertools
import operator
import sys
import threading
import time
import timeit
import typing
from datetime import timedelta

import python_utils

from . import bar, terminal
from .terminal import stream

SortKeyFunc = typing.Callable[[bar.ProgressBar], typing.Any]

[docs] class SortKey(str, enum.Enum): ''' Sort keys for the MultiBar. This is a string enum, so you can use any progressbar attribute or property as a sort key. Note that the multibar defaults to lazily rendering only the changed progressbars. This means that sorting by dynamic attributes such as `value` might result in more rendering which can have a small performance impact. ''' CREATED = 'index' LABEL = 'label' VALUE = 'value' PERCENTAGE = 'percentage'
[docs] class MultiBar(typing.Dict[str, bar.ProgressBar]): fd: typing.TextIO _buffer: io.StringIO #: The format for the label to append/prepend to the progressbar label_format: str #: Automatically prepend the label to the progressbars prepend_label: bool #: Automatically append the label to the progressbars append_label: bool #: If `initial_format` is `None`, the progressbar rendering is used # which will *start* the progressbar. That means the progressbar will # have no knowledge of your data and will run as an infinite progressbar. initial_format: str | None #: If `finished_format` is `None`, the progressbar rendering is used. finished_format: str | None #: The multibar updates at a fixed interval regardless of the progressbar # updates update_interval: float remove_finished: float | None #: The kwargs passed to the progressbar constructor progressbar_kwargs: dict[str, typing.Any] #: The progressbar sorting key function sort_keyfunc: SortKeyFunc _previous_output: list[str] _finished_at: dict[bar.ProgressBar, float] _labeled: set[bar.ProgressBar] _print_lock: threading.RLock = threading.RLock() _thread: threading.Thread | None = None _thread_finished: threading.Event = threading.Event() _thread_closed: threading.Event = threading.Event() def __init__( self, bars: typing.Iterable[tuple[str, bar.ProgressBar]] | None = None, fd: typing.TextIO = sys.stderr, prepend_label: bool = True, append_label: bool = False, label_format='{label:20.20} ', initial_format: str | None = '{label:20.20} Not yet started', finished_format: str | None = None, update_interval: float = 1 / 60.0, # 60fps show_initial: bool = True, show_finished: bool = True, remove_finished: timedelta | float = timedelta(seconds=3600), sort_key: str | SortKey = SortKey.CREATED, sort_reverse: bool = True, sort_keyfunc: SortKeyFunc | None = None, **progressbar_kwargs, ): self.fd = fd self.prepend_label = prepend_label self.append_label = append_label self.label_format = label_format self.initial_format = initial_format self.finished_format = finished_format self.update_interval = update_interval self.show_initial = show_initial self.show_finished = show_finished self.remove_finished = python_utils.delta_to_seconds_or_none( remove_finished, ) self.progressbar_kwargs = progressbar_kwargs if sort_keyfunc is None: sort_keyfunc = operator.attrgetter(sort_key) self.sort_keyfunc = sort_keyfunc self.sort_reverse = sort_reverse self._labeled = set() self._finished_at = {} self._previous_output = [] self._buffer = io.StringIO() super().__init__(bars or {}) def __setitem__(self, key: str, bar: bar.ProgressBar): '''Add a progressbar to the multibar.''' if bar.label != key or not key: # pragma: no branch bar.label = key bar.fd = stream.LastLineStream(self.fd) bar.paused = True # Essentially `bar.print = self.print`, but `mypy` doesn't # like that bar.print = self.print # type: ignore # Just in case someone is using a progressbar with a custom # constructor and forgot to call the super constructor if bar.index == -1: bar.index = next(bar._index_counter) super().__setitem__(key, bar) def __delitem__(self, key): '''Remove a progressbar from the multibar.''' super().__delitem__(key) self._finished_at.pop(key, None) self._labeled.discard(key) def __getitem__(self, key): '''Get (and create if needed) a progressbar from the multibar.''' try: return super().__getitem__(key) except KeyError: progress = bar.ProgressBar(**self.progressbar_kwargs) self[key] = progress return progress def _label_bar(self, bar: bar.ProgressBar): if bar in self._labeled: # pragma: no branch return assert bar.widgets, 'Cannot prepend label to empty progressbar' if self.prepend_label: # pragma: no branch self._labeled.add(bar) bar.widgets.insert(0, self.label_format.format(label=bar.label)) if self.append_label and bar not in self._labeled: # pragma: no branch self._labeled.add(bar) bar.widgets.append(self.label_format.format(label=bar.label))
[docs] def render(self, flush: bool = True, force: bool = False): '''Render the multibar to the given stream.''' now = timeit.default_timer() expired = now - self.remove_finished if self.remove_finished else None # sourcery skip: list-comprehension output: list[str] = [] for bar_ in self.get_sorted_bars(): if not bar_.started() and not self.show_initial: continue output.extend( iter(self._render_bar(bar_, expired=expired, now=now)), ) with self._print_lock: # Clear the previous output if progressbars have been removed for i in range(len(output), len(self._previous_output)): self._buffer.write( terminal.clear_line(i + 1), ) # pragma: no cover # Add empty lines to the end of the output if progressbars have # been added for _ in range(len(self._previous_output), len(output)): # Adding a new line so we don't overwrite previous output self._buffer.write('\n') for i, (previous, current) in enumerate( itertools.zip_longest( self._previous_output, output, fillvalue='', ), ): if previous != current or force: # pragma: no branch self.print( '\r' + current.strip(), offset=i + 1, end='', clear=False, flush=False, ) self._previous_output = output if flush: # pragma: no branch self.flush()
def _render_bar( self, bar_: bar.ProgressBar, now, expired, ) -> typing.Iterable[str]: def update(force=True, write=True): # pragma: no cover self._label_bar(bar_) bar_.update(force=force) if write: yield typing.cast(stream.LastLineStream, bar_.fd).line if bar_.finished(): yield from self._render_finished_bar(bar_, now, expired, update) elif bar_.started(): update() else: if self.initial_format is None: bar_.start() update() else: yield self.initial_format.format(label=bar_.label) def _render_finished_bar( self, bar_: bar.ProgressBar, now, expired, update, ) -> typing.Iterable[str]: if bar_ not in self._finished_at: self._finished_at[bar_] = now # Force update to get the finished format update(write=False) if ( self.remove_finished and expired is not None and expired >= self._finished_at[bar_] ): del self[bar_.label] return if not self.show_finished: return if bar_.finished(): # pragma: no branch if self.finished_format is None: update(force=False) else: # pragma: no cover yield self.finished_format.format(label=bar_.label)
[docs] def print( self, *args, end='\n', offset=None, flush=True, clear=True, **kwargs, ): ''' Print to the progressbar stream without overwriting the progressbars. Args: end: The string to append to the end of the output offset: The number of lines to offset the output by. If None, the output will be printed above the progressbars flush: Whether to flush the output to the stream clear: If True, the line will be cleared before printing. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to print ''' with self._print_lock: if offset is None: offset = len(self._previous_output) if not clear: self._buffer.write(terminal.PREVIOUS_LINE(offset)) if clear: self._buffer.write(terminal.PREVIOUS_LINE(offset)) self._buffer.write(terminal.CLEAR_LINE_ALL()) print(*args, **kwargs, file=self._buffer, end=end) if clear: self._buffer.write(terminal.CLEAR_SCREEN_TILL_END()) for line in self._previous_output: self._buffer.write(line.strip()) self._buffer.write('\n') else: self._buffer.write(terminal.NEXT_LINE(offset)) if flush: self.flush()
[docs] def flush(self): self.fd.write(self._buffer.getvalue()) self._buffer.truncate(0) self.fd.flush()
[docs] def run(self, join=True): ''' Start the multibar render loop and run the progressbars until they have force _thread_finished. ''' while not self._thread_finished.is_set(): # pragma: no branch self.render() time.sleep(self.update_interval) if join or self._thread_closed.is_set(): # If the thread is closed, we need to check if the progressbars # have finished. If they have, we can exit the loop for bar_ in self.values(): # pragma: no cover if not bar_.finished(): break else: # Render one last time to make sure the progressbars are # correctly finished self.render(force=True) return
[docs] def start(self): assert not self._thread, 'Multibar already started' self._thread_closed.set() self._thread = threading.Thread(, args=(False,)) self._thread.start()
[docs] def join(self, timeout=None): if self._thread is not None: self._thread_closed.set() self._thread.join(timeout=timeout) self._thread = None
[docs] def stop(self, timeout: float | None = None): self._thread_finished.set() self.join(timeout=timeout)
[docs] def get_sorted_bars(self): return sorted( self.values(), key=self.sort_keyfunc, reverse=self.sort_reverse, )
def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.join()